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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Do ya reckon the Scirocco owner syphoned your petrol?
  2. Engine bays gonna be looking great soon. Cars are like women because ,....... nah better not go there! :wink:
  3. Burgundy Pearl 16v - K105 YBO Had her for 9 years.
  4. Hehe - I just liked the idea of a rumour that might make me some money one day - none of you will stay on that line long enough tho!
  5. Congratulations! Your Storm gave me masses of inspiration and I always admired the level headed and thorough approach to all you did with it. Good luck over the next few weeks. Your new babies arrival may not be as predictable as the old ones departure but it will fascinate you just as much, I absolutely guarentee it :)
  6. Storms also cost more to insure being a group higher :( They also take more of your time when you have to explain the differences to interested observers (or lack of) gazillions of times. Other than the uprated ECU and stiffer subframes I can't think of any other differences
  7. Feel your pain Andy. Bright side .... you'll never do that again :roll: Repairable I guess? At least half the marks on mine are down to me :(
  8. Here's mine from a day at Stealth. 263 Cams, BMC and a re map :Stealthtorque.jpg[/attachment:2ul5r50k]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfStealthbhp.jpg[/attachment:2ul5r50k] Very similiar to VAG HAGs
  9. Good news and good work fella - don't tell me the doddery old folk were in their 40's :wink:
  10. Looks great. Very pleased with mine since its been on.
  11. 2 spots within 5 minutes 2nite @ 5pm: A) Red VR6 K413 *** Passing VW Northfield Dealership @ Cirencester B) Dark VW heading towards Cirencester on the London Rd I was in my company lease car (Golf) and had just picked her up from a lease company paid for service :D If only all services were free! Guy in customer services had just bought a £500 16 valver
  12. Well done! great scores there. Can I hve first dibs on being your commercial manager :) Sounds as if free fags and coffee need to be first on the list of sponsorships :?
  13. Black Corrado going past BRI K891 Y**, Bristol @ 4:30pm, only a glimpse
  14. Thats great news Charlie :cheers: Your patience sounds like its been well rewarded. Looking forward to seeing this in the flesh. Lets hope we can get another meet lined up before the summer is out.
  15. You sound very determined indeed tonight - reckon its gonna be on the road soon :salute:
  16. Like it! The mobile advertising should come in handy so to speak :wink:
  17. Good work Jake. Slow work again today judging by the weather here or are you painting them in your room and getting high? :nuts:
  18. And again (by me this time) behind the Pear Tree Inn at 4:30pm - Grey 16v K8* SDG - looked very tidy.
  19. I'd leave it as is - consistent with the gearstick surround as well :wink: Yours will be the only Corrado Storm in the country - how's that for a USP :D
  20. Spotted by the missus @3:20pm - dark grey Corrado joining M5 southbound @ junction 14 - reg K1** SDG??
  21. I like it - just needs the Olympic rings on the bonnet now and your're all set for 2012!
  22. Just having a look at the Wikipedia entry for Karmann and I came across this reference to their involvement with the TR6: "The bodywork closely resembled that of the previous model, but the front and back ends were squared off, reportedly based on a consultancy contract involving Karmann." Knew there must be a reason why I liked it :wink: 5. Truimph GT6.jpg[/attachment:2hqp1wv1]
  23. Glad you're still enjoying it :) - I reckon miles are like years - not so much how many you have under your belt but how hard or :norty: they've been.
  24. Looks tidy. The lupo wipers are very effective but don't stop there!
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