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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. Good stuff - always nice to have new stuff lined up to go on :)
  2. Jake - the brakes will also have some fairly new Goodridge flexi hoses attached, can't remember if I mentioned that :)
  3. Decided to have a good old root around the filler cap area this evening. Stuffed a rag in the filler mouth, removed the rubber boot and began what turned out to be quite an archeological dig to remove the layers of caked on dirt of 15 years, amazed how much came out and how hard it was :shock: (the mud that is, not this job). Relieved to find no rust whatsoever under there:) Best shot I could get on my crappy camera:P6221239.JPG[/attachment:3ke32d96]
  4. Wow that's very impressive 8) Is Judith gonna follow suit now :wink:
  5. That's really bad luck, must have hit you with some force, glad you are ok and hope you can get something to replace her soonish.
  6. Looks like the bent copper is the problem (sorry officer). That was the problem with mine a while ago. I messed about with it so much that I snapped it the end :( Managed to get a replacement from the scrappies. It took ages to get it set so that there was a good contact on all 4 settings. IIRC you also need to be remember which dial goes on which position because although they look the same there is a subtle difference :?
  7. Looks as if you have found a good un there! The sound track is great - even better if you put on an aftermarket filter (BMC CDA is a popular choice) 8)
  8. Looks crackin already 8) What colour is it?
  9. You still seem to be making steady progress fella Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh again sometime.
  10. Is it me or is the bit that is usually rubber around the ariel mount painted? that looks pretty freckin good!! how'd u do it? Its not painted. It is no more than 2 years old though and since then I have always taken a bit of care to ensure it doesn't get forgotten in the cleaning routine cos the last one was rotted so it either gets some autoglym rubber and vinyl car or much more usually a smidgin of Mer Bumper Gel (the green snot stuff :gag: ) which is absolutely brilliant on this, the wing mirror trim and bump strips and literally only takes seconds to apply. I reckon my bottle will last me a lifetime!
  11. Yeah I can understand that. As long as it wasn't Jordan doing his inch by inch inspection that put ya off! A lot of people will be letting out a gentle sigh of relief now :wink:
  12. Definitely much better Andy. Difficult to tell from photos but could you get an even deeper red hue?
  13. Defo go 40mm, mate ;-) 30 mm ain't enough on a later car on 4x4 suspension! Agreed - I just checked my records and I took 40mm off at the front and 60mm at the back.
  14. Got mine today. Top job again Jim. No doubt this edition will become a family heirloom :wink: Slightly disappointed that I didn't manage to my eldest son, sister, second cousin twice removed and mum in but theres always next time :lol:
  15. RAF Cosford next Saturday. Organised by the CCGB (need to be a member but you can pay on the day I think)- details on here and their website. http://secure.bluehost.com/~corradoc/ Hopefully be 40 to 50 Corrados in attendance. Entrance is free but ideas generated might cost ya :)
  16. hehe, last time I convoyed with Cazza it was flames coming out the back :nuts:
  17. Ed, thats very kind of you to say (and far too generous!). It's far from perfect having being used as a 12,000 mile a year daily until last autumn but now she has a gentler life (well less miles anyway)I think I'll be more inclined to get to work bringing the paintwork up to scratch (so to speak). Tempting to think about doing other stuff as well especially when you get chatting to Dave and others :wink: From what I saw and heard of your new VR it would seem as if you have an excellent base to work from - sometimes the second time around can be easier as you know exactly what you want and what works and what doesn't. Would have liked to have had a longer chat yesterday - wanted to ask how you managed to melt your bottom end :shock: Hopefully bump into you at some more meets soon.
  18. That looks really terrific 8) You've made a lot of progress. You may find the suspension will settle a bit over time - I've had mine on for about a year now and I think its about 1 cm lower. Comimg to national day?
  19. Sounds a cracking price - any mods declared? any agreed value?
  20. Sounds a good price - what BHP are you running?
  21. Brownie points earned with the missus when he said it was the cheapskate version of the Audi R8 - ahem ...lets not look too closely at the bill file and spoil that impression :nono:
  22. I thought it looked pretty darn good on Sunday and certainly a great base to work from. Didn't notice the Stevie Wonder paint job - will have a closer look next time :eek: Does seem a great time to be a buyer these days - Never has so much been bought for so little by so many
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