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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. I had an MG6 as a courtesy car after the old Rado was written off! Honestly the build quality was worse than the Pug 307 I ashamedly owned a few years ago!
  2. As title guys, some of you may have seen my members gallery and can see that mine is pretty fubar! I know it may be a little late, but if anyone going to National Day on Saturday has one and wouldn't mind bringing it with them, I can pick it up from there ideally. Obviously above is preferable, but if no one thats going has one or both available, I'll take them from anyone else offering with postage if too far away to collect. Thanks all, Sean.
  3. Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean it like that. Its not just being able to invest in the upkeep from a monetary point of view is what I meant. Some can afford to pay people to do work, some can't so learn to do all relevant work themselves. Others can't afford to pay garage fees as well as having an inability to carry out work themselves either due to lack of confidence, or don't have the time or inclination to try it. The latter causes cars to run into disrepair.
  4. I actually kind of agree with it tbh. It's the fact that parts are not cheap, and a car of this vintage ALWAYS requires mechanical work that some just don't have the knowledge to do themselves. Take me for example, I earn what is actually a very good wage, but I also have very high outgoings. I don't have a large amount of money to plough into the car, but if (and when!) problems occur with mine, I'm safe in the knowledge that I could diagnose and fix the problems myself. (With a little help from the forum obviously!). I bought mine from such a person as above, when the car was an absolute stinker and he had run out of ideas and money, and turned it into a car thats now (or will shortly be) mechanically sound and just a bit rough around the edges. I've spent very little getting it to this stage though, but thats simply because I'm confident to get stuck in and do the work required. Those that allow them to run into neglect, just either don't have the money, time, or enthusiasm to give a car like this the money, time, or enthusiasm most of us here think it deserves. The fact its such a low outlay, for what gets you a cracking looking car that has alot of respect from most, and has reasonably decent performance compared to anything similar, is what will continue to make those that just don't realise you have to plough money, time, and enthusiasm into the car to buy them.
  5. Even so, I'm not sure I'd spend that on a basic 2.0 Valver with no extas (leather etc). Its not alot of car for that sort of money, and tbh a car that old with low mileage, without absolutely bucket loads of history (no mention on the ad) could also end up a bit of a money pit even if it does look very clean outwardly.
  6. Where do you get your interior parts trimmed? Looks like a very good job, and I'm gonna be doing mine in the next 6 weeks so need to find a place not too far away hopefully. I've been pointed in the direction of Trim Deluxe but was also looking for other options too.
  7. May already be a thread, but couldn't find it on a search. I'm going to a 90s w.end at Butlins in November, and the missus has been looking at costumes. She mentioned a Character on Rainbow, and I remembered the 'Twangers' YouTube vid which I showed her. I also remember another I consider a classic, so thought I'd share them with you! Any others that spring to mind, please share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQdhMSEqhfg
  8. Think this may be getting out of hand now........................
  9. I'm sure you've got a long way to go before the bodges amount to the ones on mine mate! Good to hear you'll be able to make it regardless though, as you've been running it like that without knowing for a while, so with the extra washers you should be safe to make it if you don't manage to sort a replacement pump in time! :thumbleft:
  10. He was absolutely tanking it tbf! Looked a good one too. Such a shame!
  11. They do look extremely good mate! I remember when I first met you and you told me about your Corrado and your user name. I spent ages looking for a build thread, no wonder! Two and a half years since last updated!!!!:nono: Are you going to National day, or any other events in it in the near future?
  12. Thats quite a way away! Although for people to travel that far, its obviously a testament to their work! Price is VERY good as well tbf, and your right for what I'd pay for materials etc, a proper job by the pros isn't a million miles away. I'll look into it again in a few months, but once the oil pump etc are sorted, I'm gonna concentrate on the interior over the leave period. Can you recommend any re-trimmers locally(ish) that could re-trim my bolster, steering wheel, and gear gaitor? I'll look into wheels again nearer to Xmas, and I'll have a gander at your VRS to confirm to myself its worth travelling for! :thumbleft:
  13. Cheers Martin! The wheels are still sat in the car club. I've rubbed down and primer'd three of them, but the other has some dodgy lacquer that seems to be more like varnish! Its all cracked, but when I try to rub it down it just goes really soft and clumps up. I've coated it in Nitromors about three times, but its barely touched it. I just have a green wheel now! This ones gonna need acid dipping I think. What/where is is BJV then? not heard of them.........
  14. Dox, thank you very much for the offer mate. I think its as Sean_Jaymo has said and too shallow though unfortunately. I've had a look online for the part numbers on your pickup and they all suggest what its come from, but the VR6 pump complete is a different part number, and I can't find any evidence of the pickup being available separately at all unfortunately. They are different part numbers on Vagcat too. On the pics again yours looks a little too shallow. There is a triangular casting just below and to the left of the part number on yours, and on all the pics I've seen for the VR its more rectangular apart from the first angle. I'll have to get a new pump if all else fails, so I'll give it a week before putting it out again. Thanks again for the offer though mate, very much appreciated! :thumbleft:
  15. Now come on John, I mean Dave, I mean Chris, I mean James.................... I know its a long way for you to travel, but don't go using an auxiliary belt as an excuse to stop you coming! You've got a week to sort it, and it'll cost you less than a fiver!
  16. Sorry I didn't mean you personally bud, its good to hear from someone like you that has no vested interest I mean. The online publisher of the article I read probably get a commision through a link no doubt, and as mentioned the only other personal view I've read was from someone on here iirc offering the service. Think they were based in the Sussex area from what I can remember.
  17. Ok bud, do you want it posting or bringing to National day?
  18. Just need a new PAS fluid reservoir now Dave! :ignore::thumbleft:
  19. Amended! My apologies, I'm terrible with names! You'll always be Clumpy to me! :camp:
  20. Thats beginning to be a problem though Tom, this drive and enthusiasm is beginning to wear a bit thin with sorting out previous owners **** ups and bodge jobs! Rob, I'm not a fan of fag packet lows either mate. Don't get me wrong, a subtle drop works wonders, and I've seen some that are VERY low and they look amazing. I just don't want to drive like miss daisy attempting to avoid all the potholes that will very likely catch you out in the end! The previous owner told me he raised it 25mm before putting it up for sale. I've since raised it another 20mm as I was clenching my arse cheeks every time I went over a speed bump or came upon a pothole! I need to go up another 5-10mm on the back still though, as It looks like I've got a boot full of bricks! :lol: I am beginning to see progress though. Once this is sorted out, I'll begin to get the interior sorted then I'll be quite happy with it tbh. It'll still be a little rough around the edges, but I'll be reasonably happy with it all the same! ---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ---------- Cheers James! I will make it to National Day, even if it has to be on the back of a flat bed! lol Like I said mate, I'm not far off having a reasonable car now so once the interior is done, I'll get the Solitudes refirbed and booted up, then start looking at the exterior being done properly. I can get the odd upgrade on the way too (Shortshifter, Vibratech Mounts, brake upgrades etc). I'm gonna strip the beams and subframes etc down over winter to get sorted too. I may as well strip the underseal off and re-do that whilst I'm at it. All this is relatively low cost so I'm happy to do things like that and not putting many miles on it over winter. Once the bodywork is done, I'll get myself a nice set of rims to use in the summer. That is the entire plan for this car anyway! No doubt things will change along the way, and unforseen problems will occur, but thats whats in my head! If I manage to get all that done in a reasonable timeframe, hell!, I may even look at either doubling the amount of valves I have, or another lump with about 300cc extra displacement! :bonk:
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