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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Those wheels are sexual! As are those Tarox calipers, although they do look pretty close tbf. Think it'll be touch and go with another 5mm to be honest, but you may just get away with it.
  2. Yeah those were the symptoms I had before, but now the starter won't even turn over so assumed that was the cause. Doesn't take long to swap over though and have Friday afternoon off before going to Bristol for the weekend, so I'll give that a go.
  3. Changed ignition switch, no change. Ecu relay is pinging away and battery is well charged - even tried jump leads from the missus's with no change. Got 12v switched live to the starter motor, so it's obviously the replacement mk4 Golf (second hand) starter motor. I still have the original so I'll chuck that on on Friday, fingers crossed it cures the problem as I'm out of ideas!
  4. No, don't think they'll be standard stuff. Pics may help though mate.
  5. Here is a link to some decent pics that show how 7.5 x 17" et35 wheels sit. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?79984-Seanl82-s-uuuuumm-Storm&p=1054402&viewfull=1#post1054402
  6. There are plenty of cheap sets of 288mm calipers available on ebay or through a scrappy, and looking at the pics the calipers are in a pretty poor state to begin with. The bleed nipples are old and corroded, the slider pin boots are obviously original and cracked, the piston seals have paint all over, and the paint has runs and bristles in it! I could buy a set for about £30, spend a fiver on paint and do a better job than that! I know you get what you pay for, but I though that was a pretty poor effort to be honest.
  7. Just seen this service offered, looks like a erm, good quality job................. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-288mm-Caliper-Upgrade-for-mk2-or-mk3-Golf-or-Corrado-CHOICE-OF-COLOURS-/182080289899?hash=item2a64d4bc6b:g:4w8AAOSwHnFV7EX~
  8. Yeah €89 plus postage iirc. Unfortunately early lenses won't fit.
  9. Car wouldn't start this morning. Pretty sure it's the ignition switch as it's been a bit temperamental, but I've got round it by lifting it slightly when turning. It was an aftermarket one from heritage I replaced about 500 mile ago too. Ordered a genuine one and picking up tomorrow. I also bought a replacement inlet mani yesterday too. Mine had previously been smoothed so I wanted to get one with the texture as original. It's been soda blasted too so should look nice! EBay bargains, gotta love em!
  10. Haha, go ahead, it's quite lengthy though! Yes they are 7.5" Et35 all round mate
  11. No arch rubbing what so ever. I could maybe get away with an extra 5mm spacing on the back to bring it out a little bit more, but I don't want to risk it. Mine are 17x7.5 too. I run 205/40/17 tyres like you're getting so a very small amount of stretch. Have a look on my gallery toward the second half of it if you want to look at how it sits, I'm lowered about 30mm all round, but I had Weitec coilovers on until recently which were about 40mm all round with no issues again. Oh and LMs, drool! Possibly my favourite wheel period! They offer them for quite a few different makes so there are quite varied centre bores, depends what they've come off I suppose or where you've ordered them if new.
  12. seanl82


    The KR engine is in common on the mk2 Golf GTI 16v too, so you may be able to use a manual for that mate.
  13. seanl82


    You need to access it from underneath and it right at the bottom of the system, so you'll need to drain the coolant. You need to move the pas pump out of the way to access it too. It's on a geared bolt which tensions the aux belt, and the state is behind a plastic cover. It should all become clear once you're under there mate.
  14. seanl82


    Thermostat mate. It'll be stuck open so the heaters will get warm whilst you're stationary, the go cold when travelling. It a pain in the arris to do on a 1.8 16v too! Not expensive and not particularly difficult, just time consuming and a little awkward.
  15. I'd say go with 10mm spacers as a minimum, 15 to get a good stance l. Bear in mind standard are et43, so you'll be 5mm further in and have the addition of a further inch due to wheel width. Et35 is spot on for a 7.5" wheel which is what I have mate.
  16. Its possible to re-tumble them yes. Have a look in the wiki section, pretty sure theres a guide there. You'll need new wafers though and VW charge a hefty price but you get tons of them. If you look in the sale section, there was a guy recently selling some. Best bet is to remove your drivers side lock to see which ones you currently have and what order they're in. They are numbered so you'll know which ones and how many you'll need. Be careful though as they fling out on springs as soon as you remove the key from the lock. Edit: Doh! Thought this was a new thread, should have looked above!
  17. It's entirely up to you. It doesn't offer a huge amount of sound deadening which is its intended purpose, but obviously looks pretty unsightly, and worst case if an oil soaked large bit drops onto the downpipe, has the potential to cause a fire.
  18. Have a look in suppliers forum, sprinter53 offers a good oe look replacement. The original ones are no longer available. To remove yours, cover the engine bay with an old blanket, and using an old bingo card or similar, scrape it all off. You'll be left with the glue, which will take literally hours to remove. Many have tried different types of product, I used petrol which worked as well as anything. Obviously be careful with the amount you use if you do.
  19. Ah not what I was thinking about then. Cheers!
  20. Is this the throttle body damper you're talking about?
  21. seanl82

    What is this?

    Its the dim-dip resistor for your headlights. Should be disconnected if you have an uprated headlight loom?
  22. Nice one Ian, seems they're all starting to come out to play now the weather is starting to get better!
  23. If you move images to a different folder within the image hosting site, the link no longer works. May account for some of the missing pics.....
  24. Cheaper to hire a flat bed yourself and do it. Only restrictions are mileage allowances but will still probably be half that. Just need to take fuel cost into account.
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