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Everything posted by rado-steve

  1. LM's are possibly my favourite wheels aswell but as you said - they just don't work on a Rado. Think it's because they are 18's and 18 is just tooooo big on a C IMHO!! Not if you have 17's Like Mine 8) :lol:
  2. I had my Leon stage two C-C mapped by their mobile service. James drove all the way from JBS in Chesterfield to map the car on my drive for no extra cost. I have no complaints about the map whatsoever. Where are you based relative to JBS though? I'm in Darlington, Plus when I enquired about a CC Phase 2 JBS said they'd need my car for 2 days :shock:
  3. Custome Code is a generic map too, the CC2 is the tailor made one and last time I got quoted was in the region of £500!!! Swings and roundabouts, If my GT28RS dunt come off I'll probably go REVO as the dealer is 5min from my house, the Nearest CC dealer is 2 hours away!
  4. Mmm Be careful mate, that "Munter" is one of my mates and it was pretty Knackered when it was sold to him! He sold it 'cos the charger needed rebuilding and it was down on power, never really ran properly! Was quoted a lot of money to fix and so he sold it on! Just be careful who you call "Munters" as I certanily dont appreciate my mates being called it, Alright
  5. At least it keeps you out of trouble 8) Even though I Have a mortgage and am getting married next year, my folks still nag me about the C, especially when my mum found out I'd bought something to make it even faster than it already is :D Luckily my dad loves it and has even asked to borrow it for the odd weekend drive 8) And strangley my girlfriend now loves it too and pursuaded me out of selling it :lol: Tell them to stick their boring cars up their bums or let them borrow it so they know what the fuss is all about :lol:
  6. Cheers Guys! Hoping to get the turbo on after Crimbo, then it should be fun! Can't wait to join the 300bhp club :lol:
  7. I reckon its a TWOC like, get back round there with a stihl saw and remove the front end :lol:
  8. Or Yellows Storms....... :lol:
  9. Similar Conversation about Michelle Pfeiffer when she was on Jonathan Ross the other Week! Now she has deffo got better with age!
  10. Mine went from a daily, to being a toy! I guess I'm quite lucky! But quite Skint :lol:
  11. No, not mine thank God! My mates lovey VR! Although it did help my other mates Auto VR out by donating it's Motor and box to replace his Spacka Box and fooked motor!
  12. Mines a late AUQ DBW ECU and mines been de-transpondered! AFAIK You can de-transponder any VAG ecu, Although Revo will charge you lots of money! I have the number of the Loom Guy standing by...... :lol:
  13. They need to be beaten severley with large pointy sticks! That'll learn them :) LOL!!!!
  14. As Junkie says, think it's only QPE that do the downpipe and plug and play loom!
  15. I agree! Also get onto the Insurance ombudsman ASAP! Shouldn't halt you PE claim though, as you paid seperatley for that policy
  16. I had a Magnex 4 branch from a MK2 on my C when it was still a valver! It's a bit close but it went on OK!
  17. Cool! More Nuggets! We're slowly taking over the world you know :)
  18. Got Pulled for my Plates at the weekend on my way to a section 5 meet! W@nker Bike Cop! £30 fixed penalty Not changing them though, They can "Bite my Shiney Metal Ass"
  19. What is it.....Corrado Death Month or summat????
  20. Thats not bad, Best I can get from mine is a 14.9!!!!
  21. Robbing Twat! http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... x_mileage= Steve
  22. I'll save my Pennies till the V10 version comes out :lol:
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