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olly elworthy

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Everything posted by olly elworthy

  1. correct me if i am worng but i always thought the lower the number the hotter the plug,, :roll:
  2. nah sureley not, we cant end the deabate, its like any age old debate, it will go on for centurys long after the corrado and all of us,, it will be inscribed on tomb walls G60 VS VR,,,,,,, :? :roll: :|
  3. how about putting corrado rear beam bushings on a mk2 golf? would this improve them? only ask cos i have got to do my corrado and my brothers mk2 golf at the same time , got a good deal on 2 full powerflex bush kits, but maybe we should be omitting the rear beam bushes, and maybe upgrade the mk2 golf to corrado rear beam bushes at the same time,,
  4. wonder how many vr`s can out torque henny,, :?:
  5. must admit i have some polys on my mk1 and they creak about every time i pull away,,
  6. hope its not an inlet manifold off job to get the fuel rail out just to get at that pesky screw,, :shock:
  7. the old brains been thinking again, dangerous i know but heres my train of thought,,,, so whats it all about, those rear beam bushes must be really cleverly designed to only move in the plane you want them too when cornering, sureley when you lower a car all this geometry goes out as they are aligned with the beam,,, thinking of junking mine for powerflex rear bushes,, any consequences of this apart from a really tight rear end? :?: any views gladly appreciated,, any of you have powerflex rears fitted? :?:
  8. and not a single piece of gaffa tape or a cable tie in sight,, must be a good repair!! :D
  9. I think ATW figures are what should be used for comparison and conversation as these have not been fettled and all are on equal ground, + the ATW figure is what is actually pushing your car along,,,, 8)
  10. what sorta compression ratio you running henny? and should you want to increace the compression of a std ish motor would it be a case of decking the head when fitting a new head gasket by x.xmm or would it be modified pistons etc? :?:
  11. can sell me your psd charger outlet if you like!! he he!! :D if you want top dollar think it may be worth getting that little bit of rust sorted first,, :wink: :D
  12. open the tailgate, there should be a hole there that the "plunger" will screw into,,,
  13. its nice and revvy with the PB cam,,,
  14. https://www.rac.co.uk/myrac/login?source=&loggedOn=false&dispatchTo=myrac
  15. those allen bolts are ludicrously soft!! you need to warm it up they come undone much easier then,, if its too late you need to cut the heads off of the bolts then remove the carriers with the disk,, then deal with the offending studs with a bit of heat and a pair of stilsons,, that will teach em!! :D
  16. gladly mine is a daily driver i love driving it and wouldnt have it any other way!! :D got a mk1 golf gti too for trackdays and supposed to be at the weekends but i just cant stop driving my C, :D luckily my drive to work is about 15 miles of b roads and dual carraidegway/ motorway, which the rrado simply laps up,, (once i get 2 miles outta the lanes), bought her with 57000 a year ago on 67000 now,,, 8)
  17. hope you get this bizzare problem sorted mate,, good job you thought to stop the motor and strip it down straight away, that bolt would have done untold amounts of damage should it have been in there for a while longer!!
  18. listen up all!!! Two words for all concidering using any oil in there dubs are as follows,,, SYNTA SILVER!!!! its formulated for them so just use that and you will be safe, its excellent oil! :D no point spending lots of money on these revolutionary oils, you`ll prob just damage your engine, :shock: , stick with what you know, go get some synta silver,,, :D 8)
  19. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: SCUMBAGS! how come we always have to pay for their idea of fun :mad:
  20. ill vouch for the vinyl and rubber care stuff, its awesome,,
  21. well i changed the cyl last night and what an improvement, the clutch feels like new and the gearchange is oh so silky now, wish i done it ages ago, but like all these things you keep putting them off until its too late and your car is disabled,,, was an easy job too once i got the pipe nipple undone, cheers for your guidance chaps, im loving my rrado even more now!! :D
  22. thats no fun,, allot easier with two sets of hands when taking a box out and doing a clutch in car, surprising how heavy those boxes are when your reaching down through the engine bay,,,
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