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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Quicky1980 does. He's not been on in a while though, but heres a link to his members gallery. May be a mention of it in there. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=32038&page=49
  2. It was too cheap to turn down! MOT failure on some minor problems. I've provisionally agreed a price, but I'm going to look it over tomorrow morning. I'll swap a few of my not so good bits with the better bits off of it, get it MOT'd and sell it on. I'll have a better idea tomorrow, but think its too good to break. Chris, I phoned VW in MK again a few months ago. Spoke to a reasonably helpful guy this time, who said he'd enquire further and email me. True to his word he emailed, but again the result was that their computer system both in the UK, and also a contact in Germany said that it doesn't go back far enough to confirm. I've put the Storm badge back on, and the Grille is still with the Bodyshop being painted as they didn't do it originally (it was in bubble wrap inside the car). I know its not confirmed, but I wouldn't hide that fact if I came to sell it a few years down the line. I like that its mysterious though! :shrug::grin:
  3. Just seen this, thanks dude. Will probably be a little while before its at that point though. In other news, I've just bought an Aqua Blue VR......................:eek:
  4. It's not original. Think your right and it's been shoved in. The only ones I've ever seen are I think pipercross. They are shaped to the cover and sit on top, but these are also no longer made. Some just get a cheap cabin filter, cut it to shape and secure it with a rubber band.
  5. Pretty sure the bracket with bushes that sits on top the gearbox is still available, but don't think the shift cable end parts are.
  6. I wish I could, but its nowhere near roadworthy, let alone legal yet unfortunately. If he still has it in a month or so (pretty likely at that price!) I may well do!
  7. Agreed. Seen a couple that look absolutely immaculate underneath but mine is the same, lots of overspray or a light mist coat on top of the underseal.
  8. Bloody hell, I thought that was Steven Hawkins! Lol
  9. I'm off in April mate. Not back until December so everyone will have tucked them away again long before that! Hoping to make an early season show or two before I go though.
  10. Looks spanking Michael, hope I get to see this next year if you bring it out before I go.
  11. The classifieds shortcut has disappeared from my homepage. Has this been taken down or is it just me?
  12. Possibly mate. May be worth building it up a little before having it blasted and coated. Do you know anyone able to put a few weld blobs on top of whats left? You may be able to grind it into shape with a dremel perhaps........
  13. I think thats correct mate. Are they threaded? I have some on my spare rear beam but its not with me so can't check, but I seem to remember them being threaded........... They're like the stubs where the cable clips attach in the bay for the bonnet release cable for instance, or the same as for the heatshield speed washers. Ahh, that rings a bell too what Max has said.
  14. Do you mean the handbrake cables Rob? If so, theyre attached using these. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161333190274?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Edit, just had a look myself. If its the ABS sensor cables, they attach using a plastic guide type thing. Pretty sure I remember Goldie selling one recently, but either way I don't think they'll be expensive. Probably attach by pushing onto those stubs iirc.
  15. OK, if I can ill give them a bell on Saturday and go to see it. I'll keep my mouth shut at first to see what they have to say.........:thumbleft:
  16. Is someone is genuinely interested I'd be happy to help. Otherwise, I'm not going out of my way to hear a dealer try to tell me about completely fabricated problems that these cars suffer with - of which this car has none, and the cheap easy fixes - of which we know are an utter nightmare and parts are obsolete and like rocking horse poop....... I've heard their condescending "I know all things motoring" speeches enough times to avoid used car salesman whenever possible! :lol:
  17. Not far from me if anyone considering buying it wants an initial viewing..............
  18. Yeah that looks like a custom paint job. Khaki is like a dull sand colour. Google stellas khaki corrado as I'm sure she has a members gallery on here, so there's probably a few photos on that.
  19. C&R enterprises do the kits and pretty sure they sell the front hoses separately too. Worth giving them a call as their website is poo since its been updated.
  20. seanl82

    The Rising

    Call Opie Oils or PM oilman. Very clued up and always willing to give advice on this sort of thing.
  21. Top work Michael, good to know you've found the desired finish for the heat shields. Look forward to more updates!
  22. A build of EPIC proportions! Look forward to seeing this progress, best of luck with everything, hope it all goes to plan. :thumbleft:
  23. How did you take it out? Incase anyone else stumbles upon this thread......
  24. So true Sean. By the time it's gone through the design, testing, and manufacturing stages, it's already 10 years out of date, cost 10x more than an off the shelf product, and obsolete technology before it even comes into service.
  25. Vw heritage for splitters mate. The guy selling em on there is buying up Vw heritage stock and selling it all on there and making a good profit. 90mm is £113 including delivery, and the 50mm is about £89 iirc
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