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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Think the programme for the year is pretty full at Castle Combs Rog. Have a look at the events calender on their website but don't think there's much room to slot in. It's been mentioned in the chufties thread about possible alternatives.
  2. Tis now mate. I was fortunate to see the real thing a couple of times before H&S got involved and it was canned. Can't really put this pull a Canon across a car park thing in the same league! Anyone fancy doing a show/meet at HMS Collingwood Brickfields open day instead.............:shrug:
  3. Thruxton may be good as it opens up the South and SW, as well as being not too big a distance for the Midlanders too? Very quick and fun circuit from what I gather.
  4. Give her congratulations from the forum Chris! You must be very proud mate. See, those daily trips stood at the side of the pool rather than being spent on the Corrado are just as productive! Edit; oh, just realised that wasn't the first post! Onwards and upwards, well done her for doing it two years running!
  5. Nope. Saw it listed, but gave it a wide birth. Decided to watch a terrible film with Jason Statham and Robert DeNero in instead. I also walked out the room after half an hour, as I'm sure it was equally as disappointing! I'm now led in bed reading instead. Much more fun.............
  6. Thats pretty shocking Steve. Good job you realised and you got them back out. Shocking how many cowboys are employed by windscreen companies. There is a thread for recommended windscreen fitters and this is the reason why!
  7. I think it would be generally ok tbh mate. The damping is progressive so firms up the closer to the limit you push it. It's on the limit that I think there would be the compromise. Firmer damping and less tyre sidewall flex would equal more oversteer imo, so wouldn't handle as well when cornering quickly.
  8. Just a little comment from me. I've only ever been in my two Corrados until today. The first (early valver) had unknown brand 25mm lowering springs with standard shocks. Ride was reasonable, without being anything great. A little bouncy at slow speed, but I was happy enough with them for it not to be a priority. I now have FK Konigsports on the VR which were on it when I bought it. They're pretty much top of the FK range, and are supposed to be damping adjustable - but they need to be removed to adjust. They must have been set pretty firm, because the ride is not very comfortable at at. Its made worse with me running 17" wheels, but even when on the standards, handling didn't feel too good. Having kindly been given a ride in somersetdubs VR today, which is on standard speedlines with the Bistein B12 kit, all I can say is WOW, what a difference! The car seems extremely well set up, and is an absolute credit to him. We went through some of the little twisty B roads Somerset has to offer, and a quick blast on the dual carriageway. The car sat beautifully, and handled the undulations, potholes, and corners with aplomb. As with my previous Corrado, suspension was not particularly high on my priority list. After today however, its moved a fair old way up the ladder, and I'm now convinced this is the setup I'll go for!
  9. I got the Premium one from GSF about 10 months ago. It was Behr/Hella. I think it depends what they have in stock as to which manufacturer you'll get.
  10. Saw it advertised last week actually. Looking forward to it, especially as the fast and loud series finishes next week!
  11. seanl82


    More details about the job! As above, I'd say a few years is probably enough. I'm in double figures for the amount of times I've been there, so months rather than weeks in total spent there. Its an amazing place. So much to do, and I've seen it rise from the ground in stages. Its not as cheap as it used to be, but still amazing all the same.
  12. 31st May this year. Perhaps a little too close to National Day to for many to come out to play again.......... I'm sure other circuits could accommodate us a little later in the year though?
  13. 964. :luvlove: I'd be looking at something with a couple more cylinders than you're used to. Regardless of how quick it is, the sound would be enough!
  14. Mate, I can't bloody afford it now! I'll ask again in the Summer, and if its still around I'd be very interested!
  15. Haha, have to agree! :lol:
  16. Well done Sean, I'd love to do the Teves20 conversion. If I find a proper cheap Golf VR (which I occasionally look for) I'll have it for this, and an OBD2 Conversion. Pic of the car looks great! I love the CH's, look frickin awsome! The grille, nahhhh probably obsolete now!
  17. PM'd Sean, thanks buddy! Got a couple of pics, not much but I suppose its a start. Didn't get time to go over the GB again today, so just scrubbed down a load of brackets and cleaned up any corrosion using a wire wheel on the bench grinder. Most things I want done are ready for powdercoating now. Got a nice little present through the post today too. I'm actually quite excited about these oddly. The gearchange has been pretty damn sloppy since I got the car. Pin is in place, and no amount of alignment will improve it. Bushes seem reasonable so I can only conclude that the these are the cause. I keep meaning to whip the gearstick off as well to send up to Daves16v, so I'll try to remember again next week when I'm next with the car. Hopefully these together will be the final pieces of the puzzle to make gear changes nice and fluid. I'll have a full day or two next weekend, so should have a better update with some better pics then. I'll refrain from these crap posts until then!
  18. 4.5 maintainer by any chance Rog? :lol:
  19. £56 for injector seals! So I will have my pants pulled down then! Those are on my list too. :(
  20. That sounds very reasonable actually, I have no idea how much my list is gonna cost me, as I said its just nuts bolts and gaskets and a couple of other little bits. I'd imagine around the £150 mark, but I'm sweating on them adding it all up, and it coming to double that! Thats a good sign though, cheers Sean. :thumbleft:
  21. No pictures at the moment, grabbing a quick hour during lunch doesn't lend itself to taking the time to photograph before and afters unfortunately. I've given the GB and good scrub which means I can now see metal through the oil and grease! I'll give it another good scrub tomorrow though then it should be ready for painting. Took off the slave cylinder when cleaning the box, and the seals have gone so that's another item on the needed list. I'll change the release bearing too as there's no mention of it when the clutch was replaced previously. I've cleaned up the PAS pump, starter motor, alternator, pulleys, and oil filter housing, and all have been painted up now. Just the little (read big) order from TPS, a few bits for powdercoating, and a lick of paint on the GB and block, then its ready for reassembly. I've decided to replace the head later this year after refurbishing the replacement I'm collecting Saturday slow time. Helps to spread the cost! lol
  22. Ironically, I spent £150 for my colour kit etc a couple of weeks ago, then went on today to see how much the fabric dye is. I logged on here after, and the top of page ads show a discount code for them of "CC10". I ordered the dye for my parcel shelf which took a massive 90p off. Really wish I'd had it a couple of weeks ago.
  23. Its the middle I mate. I think what Jim is getting at, is as the flywheel is off, and assuming you're cams are locked in place, it'll only go back on in one position as the holes are offset which will physically prevent you from putting it back on slightly off.
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