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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Hahaha - I've spent a fair whack of money and countless hours of blood,sweat and tears and my stereo install and it's hardly ever on :lol:
  2. There's a flyover by my house and I find myself subconsciously winding the window down and dropping a gear whenever I go near it. I don't even realise I'm doing it anymore it's just a natural reaction now
  3. Yes as recently as April 2012 :D Personally since the price of turbos has come down drastically and bang for buck I would say turbo.
  4. Fairly certain these were for sale on Facebook the other week as well...
  5. I drive a Seat Alhambra as my daily and as much as it's a grim, soulless and miserable excuse of a car it does near on 60 to the gallon, has all the tricks including a heated screen which is awesome and I can chuck loads of crap that needs moving about in it. The biggest plus though is when I get to drive the Corrado it feels ridiculously fast and is like a treat everytime I get to use it. Sadly though I think if my Corrado was my daily I'd probably go off it pretty quick. If I had a nice daily like a MKV GTi or RS4 or something I doubt the Corrado would ever get driven
  6. That'd do me. I don't mind having to crack the bolts off and torque them up at the end, just sick of undoing wheel and adapter bolts constantly
  7. Excellent cheers fellas looks like I'll be investing in a Clarke/Sealey one
  8. That last pic is awesome! Reminds me of an old group b pic. If only there was a bit of daylight between the wheels and the Tarmac
  9. Yeah I'd still torque em up Sean, just gets on my wick having to use my breaker bar all the time. Sick of having my wheels on and off all the time as well
  10. Yeah I got a gallon in the Asda for about £2 or something like that
  11. Yeah saw the corded one but my garage is across the road from my house so got to be cordless unfortunately. The Clarke one does seem to have decent reviews and for a oner sounds good. Won't get loads of use I'm just hacked off the amount of times I've taken me wheels off this year. I know for a fact I'll buy one and never take them off ever again
  12. Anyone got any recommendations?
  13. No way I'd ever put tap water in my car living round here - inside of my kettle needs descaling once a month
  14. Had exactly the same at my local main dealer. Gave up in the end and used Wynns. Don't know if it had much of a positive effect or not but certainly didn't do it any harm
  15. I quite like the ads. I was almost at my wits end trying to find a new bucket for my girlfriends JCB to get her for Christmas - logged on here and hey presto! Top of the page :D
  16. Having odd hours here and there is one of the most frustrating things for me. If I could just have a couple of solid days on mine I could sort so many of the little jobs I keep meaning to sort. There was a guy on eBay selling scuttle clips the other day, just checked and his last listing said they were the last ones he had - bloody typical!
  17. Sounds like you've been well busy there Sean
  18. Actually yeah thinking about it, if it was Amazon themselves I'd keep them and see it as a tax on them
  19. The lad I bought my VSR off had an adapter plate on it before I got it. It was a while ago but you never know he may still have it - SharpyVR6 I think his name was
  20. I'd have emailed them back and said really sorry I miscounted there's only nine extra and send one to Jamie c/o Euronite Ltd. In all seriousness I'd do and have done the same thing. I bought a bmx and saddle a few years back and when I got the invoice I had only been charged for the saddle. Rang the guy (he was an independant and I'd had plenty of bits off him in the past) and told him and never even got a thanks just "Oh right we'll get that sorted this afternoon" Cheeky get!
  21. Yeah that's correct Hasan - the speaker terminals on the amp go to the inputs on the crossovers, then the outputs go to your speakers, one pair to the mid, one pair to the tweeters
  22. Saw a white valver(?) J2O** on the M6 by Sandbach services about half ten this morning
  23. Oh good. I'm starting to think I may be better just saving up and letting Vince do his stuff. A DIY would be cool though
  24. Think I've sorted my issue. Went into my Virgin settings and marked them as not spam. Just have to wait for a PM now :D
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