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Everything posted by easypops

  1. I've got one with that exact bit missing plus one with it on, sadly it's cracked but I'll be attempting a repair. Happy to pop up a pic if you want to see what's gone? In case you have the offending piece lying about
  2. Thanks mate, but I'm gonna pass as it's missing the bit behind the pedal.
  3. Don't get put off by my comedy attempts mate :)
  4. Thanks Sean, I've actually got 6 of the remanufactured brake lines here, so can check my flares against them, which seems like a laugh at the moment:lol:
  5. Very kind offer mate, very much appreciated, but as it takes me forever to get any job completed , I'd have it for far too long :lol: Thank you anyway, looks like it's my bad workmanship at the moment so I'll persevere with what I have at the moment :)
  6. Hi Andy, Thank you, I thought that I had it in the right hole :lol:, but can now see where I've went wrong......I just assumed the sizes were in decreasing order :lol: I'll try again tonight :)
  7. It does clamp in the smallest hole Jim but it's too small, makes a right mess of the pipe plus the tapered hole is the wrong size to get the correct flare . I can only guess that the clamping tool is faulty
  8. Good day all, I bought this a few months ago, can't remember where from , eBay or Amazon likely. I gave it a go last night, just to see what the process was, but fell at the first hurdle. The 3/16 hole on the clamp doesn't grip the 3/16 pipe? It basically can slide straight through and I was wondering if it's just a rubbish tool? Or am I doing something wrong? I can't see that I am in the wrong this time, but it's been known :lol: Too loose This is the pipe My real question is, should I buy a decent tool and does anybody recommend one :)
  9. Also, apologies for asking, do you have the drivers side kick panel, the big one behind the accelerator pedal, would need to be unbroken as I have 2 cracked ones :)
  10. Did a wee bit earlier, and I have to say, welding isn't easy :lol: Looks rough as , but it's nice and solid, also the top edge is competed but my phone ran out of charge so a lack of photos This is how it is until the next time :)
  11. Ha ha, thank you, I'm sadly lacking in the proper skills but have plenty of optimism:)
  12. Thanks Mic, I don't really see it as a big deal,it's 20+ years old now, as they all are and apart from the very best ones they will all need some work. I'm fortunate that I don't really have any time restraints and that I've been gathering parts for years, so now is the time to start using up the hoard and getting a couple of roadworthy Corrado's. Then there is the small matter of the other VR hiding in the garage :lol: I vote madness :)
  13. I'm just happy to give it a go mate, I'm no welder so if I make a real mess, I'll talk nicely to the guy who sorted the Storm :lol:
  14. It was probably in better condition a year ago mate, but it's donated loads of bits to the Storm, mostly all from the other side. I'm trying to get this one up and running as a daily so I can get rid of my current daily(S4 avant), just to whittle down the collection a bit. As you say, it was cheap enough but I've always had a soft spot for the red ones 8) Plus, I've got some things I want to put in it instead of tripping over them......grey leather recaro interior being the biggest
  15. easypops

    Audioscape pods

    If anyone else had a set they were looking to move on, I'd be interested :)
  16. Fingers crossed for you mate, this is the exact thing I fear happening when I start this job. I have a subframe in my shed with a broken bolt in it, a previous attempt to ready one for the underside refurb.
  17. Here you go, emergency ignition bypass http://www.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?3167-Emergency-Ignition-Switch-Bypass&highlight=Ignition%20bypass%20Hotwire
  18. Got a wee cutting session in earlier, also managed to make a few cardboard templates up for the bits I need to replace, if only I could weld in cardboard :lol: I've done the same with a few of the smaller bits but there is a big one that cardboard just isn't any good for :) So I'll need to cut out the exact shape
  19. As I've lost/misplaced my breaker bar, I've been using a 4ft pipe on the end of my ratchet, and the advantage it gives you is amazing. Still to try the subframe bolts but my only worry is that I snap one
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