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Everything posted by Andy665

  1. Heres the link to their shop - all of their stuff is amazing - you pay for the quality as opposed to the quantity you get. The 15ml I got was enough to give the windscreen 3 coats, the rear window 2 coats and the side windows one coat, still got about 1/3 left http://www.gtechniq.com/shop/
  2. I've just applied GTechniq G4 - by a country mile the best glass water repellant I have ever used, three coats will last 30,000 miles and he beading is so tight that its virtually invisible - in torrential rain last Saturday night I did not have to touch the wipers for the entire 70 mile journey
  3. In the main Wendy I agree with you, I think F1 has benefitted from him though, its more stable, better supported than it ever has been but I don't think that was Bernies aim / motivation, it has always been about the money first and foremost, the other positive spinoffs are merely a happy by-product
  4. Silverstone just confirmed they have got a 17 year deal with F1 for the Grand Prix, starting in 2010, with a break clause for both parties at year 10
  5. No pesonal experience of the Phirm so would be unfair of me to comment - JMR is down in Littlehampton so not too far away, tel: 01903 718684. What John does not know about the G60 is not worth knowing and his service is superb
  6. Good show last night and agreed with them on the Lancia thing, the reason why Lancia were absorbed into Fiat was purely because they were bankrupt due to them not wanting to compromise on the quality of the engineering. Amazed that VW were so high up as I'm struggling to think of a single great car, Mk1 GTi excepted, they have produced some good cars and some influential ones but not great cars. As much as it pains me I don't even think that the Corrado could be considered a great car within the context of what else was available at the time - it was competitive but hardly stood head and shoulders above them or introduced a whole new take on something
  7. Try these, used products from both companies and I'd happily recommend them www.furnitureclinic.co.uk http://www.LTTsolutions.net
  8. As long as you view Top Gear as light entertainment then I think its awesome - great way to round a weekend off. No R8 diesel as yet, there has been a concept with the 6.0 V12 diesel but absolutely nothing confirmed for production.
  9. Sounds more like the design rather than the lack of a centre silencer. The non-resonated Milltek (no centre silencer) on our 4Motion sounds lovely under load but is virtually as quiet as standard at motorway speeds, mind you the rear silencer is the same size as the standard system
  10. Also just been confirmed that Raikkonen has retired, now trying to secure a drive in the 2010 WRC
  11. Latest rumour is that Michael Schumacher may be coming back to drive for Mercedes F1 - apparently Schumacher is keen to return to F1 and I suppose Mercedes would be prepared to pay big money, there is also the attraction of partnering with Ross Brawn again. Would seem to make sense as Schumacher has just stepped down from his Ferrari F1 role, his new contract with them sees him concentrating on developing road cars
  12. Being reported in the Press that Button has agreed the terms to a three year deal with McLaren - that will take him nicely up to the point where he retires
  13. Had a good look at a California at Maranello Concessionaires a couple of weeks ago, definitely better looking in the metal than in photos but still not pretty, looks good with the hardtop up but the rear end is just awful, they have tried to disguise the height of the tail and ended up with a real mess. Road tests seem to give it mixed reviews but everyone seems to say that its outright performance is better than the figures suggest
  14. I think Button would be better with McLaren - he took a huge pay cut last year and hung on in with Brawn / Honda when most would have left - not being able to get a decent offer out of them for 2010 was crazy. I cannot remember McLaren having an uncompetitive car for two consecutive years in the recent past so must surely be odds on to produce a good strongly competitive car for next season - will also be good to see how he compares to Hamilton
  15. Each to their own :D - Personally I would never go back to a chamois (even though I happily used one for years) - modern drying towels are so much mor effective, greatly reducing the risk of scratching and are far less aggressive in terms of the "pull" effect which will strip wax
  16. Warren - I guarantee that light scratching has occurred, might only be visible under strong lighting but chamois, like any material will trap tiny bits of grit - as you move it across the paintwork it cannot help but scratch. The couple of days I have spent recently with highly experienced detailing people has really opened my eyes to what damage can be done and also to the simple things that can be done to minimise damage. My OH's car was never put through a car wash and was only ever washed and dried using a chamois by its 1st owner, the extent of light surface scratching and swirling was terrible, fairly easy to put right but it could only have been caused by poor washing / drying techniques
  17. Two worst things you can ever use on paintwork are chamois and drying blades - guaranteed to introduce scratches and swirls galore Good quality drying towel and / or a drying spray (lots to choose from on both counts)are the best way although I'm just about to buy an electric drier from a Group Buy on http://www.detailingworld.co.uk
  18. I have just applied Astonish glass cleaner and anti-fog to my windows - brilliant product and dirt cheap - available from B&B Bargains and also I believe Wilkinsons. Sometimes cheap can actually be very good
  19. Would need a serious amount of re-commissioning I would imagine. Trouble is with a car like that is that you could not buy it and then use it regularly, so much of the price would be due to the low mileage, remove that and you just have another nice VR6
  20. A decent garage that you can rely on and trust is worth its wait in gold
  21. My G60's were not daily drivers so not directly replaced, project / work in progress car is the OH's Golf V6 4Motion, whilst I have an Audi A6 2.8 30V which I also have plans for
  22. Such totally different cars that only you can answer the question. The Audi is built like a tank, my OH had 12 very happy months in a lovely 2.6 Cabriolet - performance was leisurely to say the least but very smooth, the handling was more akin to an oil tanker than a Corrado. Intrinsically such a wobbly structure that no amount of suspension work would ever resolve the handling, performance mods also very limited. If you want a classy, four seat convertible that will last forever and you have no real interest in driving pleasure then it would be a good buy
  23. I thought the Calibra was stunning when first announced but it has aged badly and dynamically it was always pretty average, most definitely a Chavalier in a party dress
  24. No accounting for taste I suppose, wonder how much he paid for the Calibra
  25. I prefer the acronyms: Lotus - lots of trouble, usually serious Ford - fix or repair daily Fiat - fix it again tomorrow I'm sure that there are loads more
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