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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/motoring/motoringfeatures/kia-goes-sporty-with-gt4-stinger-11363871358087
  2. It's just a wee 1.8 16v but it's done199350 of which I've added about 140000. On balance I think it was a pretty god buy.
  3. Good idea, especially for those who like "clean" engine bays.
  4. Good article on it here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AAcrophobia Just nipping out to find a high building to dangle off.
  5. It's one of the symptoms of Acrophobia, a fear of heights. Weirdly psychologists have proposed that it is a way for the mind to try and take control of the situation. When I was (a lot) younger I had no problem with heights but now I'm a bit iffy with them. I think part of that is when you are younger you don't think of the consequences of falling but your mortality becomes a higher priority the older you get you think of the results of falling.
  6. Not a million miles away if you need another brain cell.
  7. I've got a 1.8 16v taxed till the end of March and MOT'd till the end of September 2014. Needs more attention than I can afford on a pension. Looking for about £400. If interested drop me a PM.
  8. It's the Corrado's 23rd birthday today so a small celebration is in line. I've now had it 15 years and she's sitting at 199,250 miles, about 120,00 with my backside in the drivers seat. :dance::dance:
  9. Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. May fortune favour your footsteps and each step be better than the last.
  10. When faced with having to soak something with Plusgas or such I wrap the part with a rag, soak the rag with Plusgas, wrap the whole lot in some polythene then tape it in place. Stops the Plusgas evaporating.
  11. Weird, I live in Paisley and can't recall ever having seen it about. Looks a good buy at the price. Wish I'd seen it. Do you have an address for it?
  12. Excellent, though I've just spent half an hour watching the other VW ads that appeared.
  13. I rear-ended a car this morning...the start of a REALLY bad day! The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF!! He looked up at me and said 'I am NOT Happy!' So I said, 'Well, which one ARE you then?' That's how the fight started.
  14. Little wander round the county roads. Began with Vivaldi on the stereo and ended up with Springsteen. Got pulled over, short discussion, wished a safe Christmas, Vivaldi back on driving home.
  15. The senders themselves can leak which normally appears around the terminal. Give it a good clean and observe while the engine is running. Horrible weather though to be hanging out of an engine compartment.
  16. Merry Christmas from me as well. May it be a good one.
  17. The plastic outlet on the side of the head above the gearbox has a tendency to split, Good place for a first look. Try refilling it and letting it warm up while looking for any obvious leaks.
  18. Check for vacuum leaks. The corrugated section just before the throttle body is guilty of cracking at the bottom of the corrugations. Or it may be an engine mount going.
  19. It sounds as if something is slowing down the full engagement of the clutch, possibly the release bearing snagging on something.
  20. Proof if needed. Osbourne will be looking at this and suggesting we live off pictures of food. http://www.nottinghampost.com/Warning-student-pays-pound-450-photo-Xbox/story-20263203-detail/story.html?fb_action_ids=10152047158645629&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B670720152973459%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
  21. Indeed fuels have improved, but then it only cost about 2/- a gallon, that's 10 pence in new money, so you could put up with a bit of carbon. For a long time I had a Redex dispenser system on my cars which was basically a reservoir with a variable feed into the inlet manifold. Controlled by a little needle valve on the steering column along with a vacuum gauge you could adjust on the move. Very handy for tailgaters, just open it up and they retreated rapidly as the smoke billowed out. The full system cleanout via the vacuum tube was not a regular event, I only really did it on used cars when I first got them, purely as a habit really. The regular dose in the tank was enough to keep the engine pretty clean. Cars were so much simpler then.
  22. The whole thing is strangely reminiscent of the Redex treatment back when I was a young and callow youth. A shot of Redex per tank when filling up and for a good old engine clean out suck some in through the vacuum hose. When doing the engine clean it was recommended to get out of built up areas as copious clouds of white smoke were produced. Carbon build up on piston crowns and the back of valves was a lot more common then and the Redex treatment was a proven way of preventing and reducing it. I suspect the smoke above is just the Sea Foam stuff burning of and will disappear after a few miles.
  23. Lady: Do you smoke? Man: Yes. ... Lady: How many packs a day? Man: 3 packs. Lady: How much per pack? Man: £10.00. Lady: And how long have you been smoking? Man: 15 years. Lady: So 1 pack cost £10.00 and you have 3 packs a day which puts your spending each month at £900. In one year, it would be £10,800 correct? Man: Correct. Lady: If in 1 year you spend £10,800 not accounting for inflation, the past 15 years puts your spending at £162,000 correct? Man: Correct. Lady: Do you know that if you hadn't smoked, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 15 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari? Man: Do you smoke? Lady: No. Man: Where's your f*****g Ferrari then? So if I smoked 40 packs a day I could run a Corrado!!!!
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