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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Only just saw the previous post so sorry for no reply. The relays I was referring to are for RHD VR6, so not sure what earlier models would have had sorry. I'd try scanning for fault codes again to see if you can now communicate with the ECU. Its possible there is a faulty valve on the pump, but have a go at driving it and stomping on the brakes a few times. I've heard it sometimes frees the valves up if they're gummed up a little. Worth a try I guess. I feel your pain though, I had to replace a light unit, ECU, Pump, entire loom, 2 wheel sensors and the pedal position sensor before I had a working system!
  2. C&R enterprises sell the set of 6, but you can choose conversion hoses instead of standard for the 288 front and what is known as mk2 - mk4 rear. They're listed on ebay I believe too, but not sure what postage would be like to Sweden.
  3. £100 posted to forum members! :thumbleft: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321954143106?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  4. Do you have power to the connector? Seems strange how one day it was fine then the next it wouldn't start at all. Usually they just gum up and get progressively worse rather than just fine one minute dead the next.
  5. Looks cracking that Daren, hoses look like New too! :thumbleft:
  6. seanl82

    Engine cover

    Ah make sense, predictive text gone awry I expect! It'll fit fine even if it came from a golf mate, it's exactly the same securing arrangement just different wording.
  7. I haven't seen any before either. I know I'm in the minority but it's not the type of film I enjoy. It's not strictly true I suppose, I saw and liked the one with the furry fellas when I was a kid, but not seen any otherwise.
  8. seanl82

    Engine cover

    Not sure what an agreement nine cover is, but most of the covers from the Golf VR6 had '2.8 DOHC' As opposed to 'VR6 DOHC' but worth a look. They do pop up on eBay quite regularly too.
  9. Good analogy I like it, especially as this fella is quite obviously a bit of one. I won't comment again though, don't want him to burst a blood vessel.
  10. Trouble is, its tossers like you who don't worry about it until you've had a blow out, killed a pedestrian and found yourself in prison for manslaughter. Ok, its not statistically likely to happen, but its still possible. There was a guy on here who it had two blowouts in the space of a few weeks about 18 months ago, all because he was running stupid stretched tyres like you. He was lucky in that there was no one around when it happened. You, or anyone else may not be so fortunate. I hope you get pulled over and forced to change them cos your attitude toward it is atrocious.
  11. Genuine mats have gone obsolete from the dealer within the last year I believe, but there are a few decent fitting aftermarket ones on ebay. The aerial bases are available on ebay too. Worth checking our VW Heritage as they are doing well with obtaining some previously hard to come by parts recently. Oh and welcome!!!
  12. Don't be lazy with the advert if you sell either. Put as much information in it as possible, a good advert can add a good deal more to the sale price, as well as hugely reduce the amount of time its sold. Green VR6 Storm, low miles, good history, genuine reason for sale, call for more info. - won't cut it amongst enthusiasts.
  13. Agreed with above. Maybe try it out before considering selling? They do have a habit of hooking you in, and this time of year isn't the best time to be selling anyway. Also what you seem to have is a Classic Green Storm. Only 500 Storms made, and 250 officially in Classic Green, with 10 of those being automatics. When I say officially, I say it as the other 250 were in Mystic Blue, which was a specific colour to the Storm. Classic green was unfortunately available as an optional colour, as was the Beige leather interior so there were cases of badging to make them more desireable, even from the dealers! Its not easy to ascertain if it is a true Storm either based on my own efforts. Still a desireable motor imo don't get me wrong, but not worth much more than any other vr6 which has similar (or even higher) spec. Good luck with whatever you choose to do with it though mate.
  14. Possibly worth checking you have correct voltage to the plugs under the seats, but other than that not really. They're 20+ year old heating elements after all.
  15. Yeah I'd suggest a complete change and bleed at every part, including clutch Rog. These cars seem to exagerate every tiny trapped air bubble with a horrific pedal feel and dangerous braking if you so much as change a bleed nipple cover, so worth going to town on it mate.
  16. Worth asking if he'll take that. Worst he can say is no. (Or words to that effect :lol: )
  17. I hadn't just forked out on nice new reflectors like you but I was a bit peeved all the same when I came to adjust mine, and one of them just crumbled away. I managed to bond the parts back together luckily, and I'd suggest that if anyone is lucky enough to be able to adjust them now, make sure its a regular service routine of putting some copper slip on the threads. That is if you have the minerals to attempt to move them anyway!!!
  18. seanl82

    WTD drivers seat

    Good choice. I replaced my bolsters with good condition ones from a passenger seat too. You won't think the foam is that bad, until you remove the fabric and it'll all just crumble away. Well worth doing!
  19. Just saw this thread, I had a HPI Savage and then a Savage X too. Never raced, it was purely for bombing it about the woods behind home. It was a few years ago now and I've not touched them since so I can't remember exact details but on the X I uprated the lump and put a 3 speed box in it. It was great but the large nobbly tyres couldn't handle the speed in the end!
  20. Congrats on your purchase! Get some pics up!
  21. Welcome to the forum! What are you looking for and what is your budget to start with? Will it be used often or not? Have a good look through the forum for a while, it'll give you a feel for the what the cars are like to live with, whether it'll be used daily or for weekends. Definitely have a good read of this too - http://wiki.the-corrado.net/the_corrado_buying_guide_checklist.html This forum will be invaluable if you do decide to take the plunge. Lots of very helpful and welcoming people here, so if you run into any snags the chances are it'll have happened before, and someone will be able to advise you on the best possible course of action. In the mean time make yourself at home and once again welcome to the forum! :thumbleft:
  22. Yeah I'd buy a mk3 Golf or Ibiza with rotten chassis/body for peanuts, and just use that as your donor. You'll be able to make a bit back by selling on other bits too so you may even end up in profit. Again you're on the right track though, it would be much easier to just buy a 16v and tbh the 8v is quite sought after at the moment, as it is a good daily for anyone wanting to use it for that, and it is the rarest of all models I believe! (Well, least amount sold originally anyway).
  23. What is instagram?................
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