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Everything posted by easypops

  1. Ah, ok mate, you can let me know :)
  2. Absolutely not mate, they are destined for my Red VR6 8)
  3. Love all the work you have done/are doing. I hope one day to be at your level 8) Nice seats btw :)
  4. My grey leather ones don't say recaro on the back rest? Does that make them uber rare? :)
  5. Any chance of a picture of the other side as I'm out and can't really look up to see which exact bit it is
  6. If a set of under bonnet stickers were going spare, I'd quite like them :)
  7. Nice one, I'll have one of them :)
  8. Still got mine, wouldn't mind a Storm one if you find them :)
  9. Yes mate, I'll fire you a PM :)
  10. Up again, someone must have one lying in the garage, gathering dust :)
  11. Thanks mate, I'll PM you soon, and yes, it's my current daily 8) Here it is, at a mixed show I went to with Goldie(pictured)and lilfuzzer(not pictured) a couple of weeks ago
  12. I would love to buy a wee selection too if you have any spare left after sorting Mark out, no rush either and only if you have enough to spare :)
  13. I've sent these to your phone already Fraser but will pop them up here in case anyone else needs to see them
  14. I'd hope the forks are still available, I would say almost certainly but best to check. Also, what about a short shifter kit from daves16v, got to be easier to do it at this stage?
  15. Clutch release fork, best to swap it out of your donor box as they can crack/snap. Mine did and I've read about a few doing the same
  16. Hi Anna, Yes, these sizes are correct :)
  17. Ha ha, no need, I'm a picture framer, so it'll be getting the full treatment at some point :)
  18. I drilled one out recently, well I drilled through it if that makes sense , which weakened it and I put a screw in a little bit then pulled it and the pin out. Not sure how you'll sort it unless you can get the broken bit out? Access isn't the best sadly
  19. Thanks mate, it's only a name as we all know. If my car is eventually anywhere as nice as yours, I'll be delighted
  20. Inspired by Sean I sent away for the Storm's birth certificate, with a wee worry at the back of my head that I was trying to restore a ringer, glad to report it's the real thing.
  21. It's the old button for the ejector seat :lol: Or more likely an old alarm/immobiliser fob/light
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