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Everything posted by 2cc

  1. ah, that'll be the full half hour not the 5 minute job then henny
  2. Well, intrigued enough to go out to the car park and look. I know my valver has n&b cos I've replaced them. But now I see the VR has n&b as well; I thought they were original but can't actually confirm that. Another little bit of Corrado curiosity.
  3. No. Problems with the switch means the starter will/won't spin. Fuel pump relay again either will/won't work (in most cases, though not unknown to switch in and out) so the pump does/doesn't supply fuel. Not familiar with you engine management system, but sounds more like an intermittent problem in there causing incorrect fuelling - like trying to run with the choke on when hot will give these symptoms.
  4. 2cc

    Burning smell

    Another wild shot in the dark. Has the inlet pressure valve split and perhaps leaking when on higher throttle settings? It will blow oil so might be that you can smell. I'd post a pic but am at work so can't, but it sits just behind the head and plumbs into the air inlet pipework. I replaced mine a while ago as it was split, but it didn't seem to affect her running, nor did it smell - but you never know do you.
  5. I would have entered but you'd have bounced me cos I already knew :)
  6. Try a Pioneer dealer. Worked for me in the past when I've put them in a safe place - you know what I mean.
  7. Taped it cos I was away & not bothered to watch it now (yet) But had to laugh at the "best" driver trying to shunt the only opposition off the track - why am I not in the least surprised. I stilll think he is a complete arse. And so is the FIA. Court Martial and shoot em at dawn I say, then get someone in there with some interest in the fans
  8. loved it when I saw the title I thought I thought it was gonna be another horror story
  9. You got them changed over now then Yan?
  10. Well, you learn something every day don't you. Still think that smacks of poor practice regarding all those folk who have not built up any claims protection.
  11. ouch, sorry to see that - toerags who do things like that still, staying positive, looks like the door escaped unscathed how do they work that 'claim' scam then Henny? surely that can't be legit business practice (oh, sorry, we're talking insurance co here aren't we)
  12. Interesting point that. So why don't Koni put that bit of gen on the box? Can't be so they can sell you a new pair as they are warrented for life (however long that is)
  13. did the pm sort this? if not, I know
  14. yesterday got both my front speedies scratched up by the muppets changing the tyres grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for 2cc read doubly cross chrissy
  15. IIRC open circuit on the plug gives reading -40 Short circuit on the plug gives reading +50 The sensors are also different depending on the model (but I don't have the numbers) Must replace the one on my VR one of these days......
  16. "somecolourcatvr6?" Bit late perhaps but did you ask the dealer who the previous owner was in csae they have the code fob in the kitchen drawer? "edit" oops, sorry, just noticed you have changed your name Not-Aircooled. Suggest trying the manufacturers probably best bet? Sometimes though a lead still won't help as the newer units speak a different "language". You may get some/all of the audio but not all the additional functionality they build in these days.
  17. Oh yes, we too are liking that Dark Burgundy Pearl Effect look forward to the pix
  18. owwwww, gutting feel for you mate in my next life I'm gonna be a Dalek and spend my time exterminating the bleeders
  19. Almost a C gaffe. Came back from the takeaway last week and had left the garage door open so I could just park straight in on return. Got out car, locked it, locked garage. Where house key? Yep, in the C. Fortunately garage has external padlock. Borrow neighbour's hacksaw.......
  20. 2cc

    smoke from the dash

    smoke? could this be a fire? :lol:
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