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Everything posted by poll250

  1. poll250


    Love the photos! How are you finding the S4 so far? I can't get them out of my head, I prefer the look of B7 shaped ones but they are a bit too expensive at the moment so a B6 would suit me fine!
  2. Could someone just confirm. Should this side of the sandwich plate go up against the block? or the other way around!?
  3. Cheers guys, at least it happened before I started the 200 mile drive to Plymouth, luckily my colleague was a le to drive instead. Ordered a replacement sandwich plate today so will get that fitted asap, a ling with the rad. Oil buzzer didn't come on, and looking on the drive I didn't drop much oil over night so I'm going to refit the mocal and top up with oil to see how much I lost. Hopefully it wasn't more than a litre or two. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
  4. PLEASURE AND PAIN! Spoke to Vince yesterday and it's finally time for my car to go in for it's long awaited Turbo conversion. Happy days for me! I've had a bit of a leaky radiator for a couple of weeks so have a new radiator to fit before the weekend, and was mean't to do a 400 mile round trip to Plymouth for work today/tomorrow, a nice last hurrah for my N/A Rado, or so I thought, I checked the oil yesterday lunctime and topped it up in readiness. So I get to work today, and when I pull up, a load of smoke came into the cabin, on lifting the bonnet there's a load of smoke coming from the engine, No oil on the dipstick, and a trail of oil behind me. At first it looked like my sump was leaking, but I now think I've traced it to the Mocal sandwich plate. Is it likely that I've done something bad to the engine? ie seized it? (I drove about 35 miles last night and another 2 to work this morning.) I know the dipstick only measures the last 1 litre of oil, so there may still be 5 litres in there. I've got to replace the rad on Friday in any case, so I should be able to sort the leak without too much bother, I just reallly hope that after all this work I haven't gone and stuffed the engine two days before giving it to Vince :(
  5. Is this too cheap to be worthwhile? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Corrado-Strut-Stress-Bar-Tower-Brace-G60-VR6-SLC-16V-/220693279128?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3362583198#ht_5523wt_804
  6. Nice little stash of parts you've got there :)
  7. poll250

    VR Samcos

    Good idea Andrew! Forgot about that. Really need them in the next few days as replacing the rad before I drop it to Stealth.
  8. poll250

    VR Samcos

    Bit of a longshot, but does anyone have a set of VR Samco coolant hoses laying about?
  9. Good work sticking to your guns! Worth all that hassle to get it properly sorted.
  10. poll250


    :) Good choice! That's my plan: A VRT and a V8 S4 Avant. The sound they make is amazing + proper Quattro to boot!
  11. Thanks Stu, do you know what size/type fans they are designed for by any chance?
  12. As I'm replacing the radiator, I thought I might as well replace the coolant hose that goes from the rocker cover to the heater matrix, as it's bound to get a lot of extra heat thrown at it soon. Will also heat wrap it to keep it as cool as possible. Does anyone know of the top of their head whether I should get 18 or 19mm ID hose?. I tried measuring this morning but it's kinda hard to gauge with those still on the car. While I'm at it I guess I'll have to block off the pipes that go to the Throttle body. Is there an accepted way to do this? Screw an 8mm bolt into it?
  13. Ok Cheers Stu. I wasn't aware of any problems with aftermarket fans, will have to have a look into it.
  14. Hi, Anyone got a DG fan bracket and hopefully 9 + 11 slimline fans knocking about? Thanks, Andy
  15. I've just picked up a spare flywheel too that's getting sent straight to HotGolf, look forward to getting it back. He's got a good reputation so I'm sure it will be fine.
  16. poll250


    Any updates on this :D
  17. Have you still got the flywheel? Posted price if so :)
  18. Yeah, I'm very keen on the preventative maintenance thing. Once it comes back from Stealth running sweetly, I don't want to have to pull it apart every two minutes. New rad comes to £217 from my dealer! Was going to get a mk4 expansion tank but will leave that for a later date I think! Inquired with DG about there shiny fan brackets but they apparently don't do them anymore :( Quite fancied some new fans too but I'm sure mine will suffice.
  19. If you look behind the wheel there's a little bit of metal that should be lightly touching the slip ring on the back of the Momo boss. You can pry it with a small screwdriver or something. The other option, as I learnt the other day is the fuse has blown, it's the 13th or 14th from the left I think so check that.
  20. Just got quoted £230 inc VAT and Discount for a new Radiator! OMG + £30 for MK4 Expansion Tank. Think I will just keep my existing tank and put it in the dishwasher!
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